How to Remember

Seems like an obvious solution. Write it down.

When on a relaxing journey for guided meditation, we experience many things. We see things: colors, landscapes, water, rocks, animals, strange creatures, and even symbols. We hear things: music, animal sounds, water over those rocks. We might even smell our favorite scents, or experience tactile things.

When we are immersed in a guided meditation, it’s best to watch it all happen, experience it all, and stay in the moment. Try not to judge, or analyze, or otherwise figure anything out. Just let it happen, and observe it all.

After your journey, write it all down, immediately. Write as fast as you can, and you don’t have to use full sentences. Just write the experience, and list as much detail as you can remember. After that, you can look it over and make sure you haven’t forgotten anything. Then, just leave it for a while.

During your next meditation time, things might make sense. Or, something might pop up in your daily life, reminding you of the journey and all of a sudden, you realize what it all meant. At that moment, if you can, write THAT realization down!

The answers are inside us. Write it all down.

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Looking Into 2022

2021 is passing and the energy of 2022 is all around us now. The Chinese New Year is the Year of the Tiger and the number for this year is 6. The Tiger symbolizes strength and bravery. The 6 brings domestic harmony, recognition, abundance, love, family, and home life, but mainly stability for all.

The Vedic Astrology predictions are noting that we will experience a more calming impact with the virus/plague we have been experiencing since the Spring of 2020. This surge will soften and allow us to move about more freely in our world. In terms of the essence of the virus, what I have learned is much of this energy was to test our sense of family, friends and commitment. The energy was also to bring new innovations to us and create new businesses.

Many new businesses created were in an online format. This allowed and brought a convenience to shopping, safety for delivery and pick-up, plus new products to make our lifestyle convenient. The New Year will bring us a sense of trust and peace we have not felt in awhile. Relationships have changed because of political beliefs, so there will be some reconnection of those lost. New relationships will form and they will become lifetime experiences of joy and love. Many who have been waiting will connect romantically with lifetime commitments.

2022 is a year of change, to bring consistency and trust back to your life. Stability will be the main word many of us will use as we move into the year. We will see continued innovation for space travel, slowing of global warming, medical innovations to support rectifying illness, and inventions to make our lives easier.

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Looking Back on a Rough Year

Wow what a year! So many blessings and challenges. Plus at times, feeling like we are totally in the unknown.

During the unknown is when we are challenged to pull from our Spiritual beliefs and ancestors the most. Ancestors, because in many cases these are the people and experiences that we have learned the most from. Whether it was time spent in prayer, playing games, being abused, abandoned, loved, adored, or misused, the experience brought us something to draw on for perseverance and persistence in all times of our adult life.

Now our experiences are talking with angels, finding soul parts, learning and knowing to love and cherish ourselves, as well as meeting people who love and cherish us. As we age and mature we learn the new aspects of being that help us pull the fortitude and love to overcome any challenge we face. My doctor just told me that I have taught her how to ask questions in a different way. She sees me as a woman who takes health issues in stride and often ignores some of the pain and information I need to share to get help. She calls me her tenacity patient because no matter what I am facing I just say, "Ok, another one to get through, here we go." This may not be the best way to be in terms of health but it is the way I have found not to crumble under medical and life challenges.

What is your way of dealing with the tough times? Do you need to go inward and be alone? Do you need to fall apart and get a lot of support around you? Do you ignore the situation until you cannot anymore? Do you embrace it, knowing there is no out for you?

What ever way you choose, know there is no wrong way. Deciding to move forward and embrace what is happening, not becoming the victim, empowering yourself is the key, however you approach it. The process is only that, a process.

, World!


Take time to heal.

It is important we take time to heal ourselves. No matter what the healing, we need to take time to adjust our bodies, minds and spirits to heal.

I recently had surgery and have tried to jump right back into the flow of day to day tasks. What a set back! Not a good idea. It is important to take time, ask for help, and rest. It is very important to take care of ourselves. We often forget to ask for help because we don't want to bother anyone. In the long run we are not bothering anyone. In fact, most want to help us. So take time to heal, rest and learn to ask for help. It is not a weakness to ask someone to go to the store for you, help you clean your kitchen, cook a meal or drive you to an appointment. Most are more than willing to help and want to help. The word help does not mean you are not strong. Asking for help is showing your vulnerability which is also seen as truth and strength.

We all need help sometimes. Taking time to heal means we will be stronger in the end. Asking for help can be part of our healing.

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In This Moment

Day by day is all we have.

I have been reminded that the feelings of regret and guilt stop us from progression. The shoulds, coulds, woulds etc. only limit our possibilities and capabilities to dream and manifest our dreams.

It is so important to live in the moment as much as possible.

I know as humans we are given the choice of what to feel as well as how to feel. We tend to live for tomorrow. So as many have stated before me, what about today? It is important to live today and in the moment because there are no guarantees for a tomorrow. That may sound morbid but it is true. We can plan for the future but need to learn to live in the day and the minute.

We can practice in-the-moment living by practicing focus. Increasing focus on one thing at a time can help us to live in that moment, fully. Immerse yourself in the task, whatever it is: writing, driving, washing dishes. Think about the impact of your actions on others, and how it helps them. Think about the impact on yourself, as well. Think about how lucky you are to enjoy such supposedly mundane experiences. Practice gratitude.

Live this moment fully, with arms open. Live out loud.

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Your Life Contract

We have contracts from other lives and in those lives we manifested our destiny in some ways for this lifetime.

One thing we need to do is clear the contracts from past lives. Part of clearing these contracts comes in the form of experience. We live our experiences with family, friends, colleagues and everyday encounters that may not appear to have meaning. Yet the car that cut you off on the road and screamed at you for being slow as they whiz by may be a clearing of a contract with that person.

Contracts do not have to be big experiences. Recently a friend could not figure out why she wanted to protect a young man who delivers her groceries to her car. She had no connection with him other than him walking groceries to her car and putting them in her trunk. She went into a journey meditation on past lives and found that he was her best friend’s son in a past life. In that lifetime her friend's son died and she had to help her friend deal with the loss. It was awakening for her to learn this information so each time she sees this young man put groceries in her car she says a prayer for safety and tells him to stay safe.

We never know what is behind these experiences that make us question, "Why do I feel so connected to this stranger?” One way to discover the reason is by doing a past life journey. Set your intention to find the answer to the connection with the person in this life.

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Ebb, Tide, Flow

Ebb and Tide are the words that have come to me a lot this week.

We ebb and tide in our lives through the comings and goings of our relationships with friends, lovers, family, pets, coworkers and neighbors. Throughout the past year and a half with COVID many of our relationships have either gotten stronger, lessened in communication, stopped completely due to differences or just changed because of space and distance. Families have not been able to travel to visit or vacation in the same manner, friends have had to change the way and where they meet, coworkers are not hanging out in the lunchroom as much, and more. People have been sent home to work so seeing someone virtually has become a norm.

These adjustments require us to have patience, use our daily time differently, organize our lives and prepare for company on a screen. Some of my friends have enjoyed a weekly Friday cocktail together virtually since March of 2020. It is important to remember that we have adjusted and made things work for us. Yes, some relationships have ended but so has the way we look at life. Take time to center yourself each day and know you are doing the best you can and are being the best you are within the new parameters of our lives. Also remember it is ok to end a relationship or change the connection. Energy changes every day and with that energy so do we.

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Drumming is a key element of spiritual practice in many paths.

The Native Tribes of the World all had drumming at their rituals and ceremonies. Drums are a connection to Mother Earth and the beat of her heart, and the rhythm of how she sends her messages and helps heal all of nature in the process. Drumming helps in meditation because your heart syncs to the beat of the drum. This helps you to center and slow your breathing.

As we slow and deepen our breathing our body relaxes and we move into a state of comfort. Our mind starts to drift and we are allowed to hear and see images that may or may not relate to our daily routines, but are important to help us let go. Relaxation is very important because it helps your brain and body rest. It is like putting your body into a time capsule and allowing everything to leave that may or may not be blocking you.

Taking a relaxing journey is self care.

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Relationships are interesting and can be very unique to specific areas of our lives and past lives.

When we engage with someone else's energy it is for one of two reasons. The first is because we are connected in some way to learn a lesson and that lesson can be as simple as saying, "thank you." The second is to build a connection that is long-lasting and will teach us about loving ourselves through the eyes of others. There are millions of interactions throughout our life on this plane. The conversation with the grocery store clerk, a taxi driver, a teacher, basically people you do not carry out long relationships with, yet have conversations. These are what are called the human interactions of remembering kindness, integrity, honesty and patience. These are qualities that we learn and grow with in all relationships.

Often we take what we see as an insignificant relationship for granted. We do not see what we are learning. There is a lesson in everything we do and how we interact. So take time to remember to be kind and patient. Remember to take a breath before we react to the person in front of us in an angry or demeaning manner. Take a breath and breathe in the love of Spirit allowing this breath and energy to help us stay calm.

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    Recently I had someone tell me that they could heal me.

    While I know the intent came from a good place, I believe we, as humans, do not have the power to heal people with certain diseases or afflictions. I have come to understand that illness may be a part of our path. I believe we make a contract upon coming into this life, and with this contract we chose all of our experiences on some level.

    Yes, we have choices.

    I had a choice presented to me during a surgery in 2016. I had a wonderful angel appear to me and give me the choice to stay here on earth or take my leave. I chose to stay because I felt I had more to do. Our healing comes from ourselves through Great Spirit, our angels, doctors, and prayers from loved ones. There is no single person who can heal us. The energy can be sent through us as humans to help the process of healing, but the healing comes from Spirit and our belief in something greater than ourselves.

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