
Sometimes we have to take time to reflect and examine if we are on the right path. Because of the many things we are learning and clearing through karma it is important to reflect and see what you have accomplished and completed.

For instance, when I left my husband I thought I would be in another relationship at some point in my life. About three years after the divorce I realized that I would not be in another relationship for the rest of this lifetime. I learned to acknowledge that I am enough. This is one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves. Being enough!

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    Animal Messages

    Animals in nature are one of the greatest blessings we can experience, because each has a message for us.

    Often we look at the web and books to find the message, but the truth is the message you receive may not match what has been predetermined. It is important to take time to hear what the animal has to say in the instance of connection. The message may be a very personal one for you.

    When you first engage/connect with the animal, stop and listen to what this being is saying. Animal spirits and souls are like the souls of our guides. Our guides give us direction and this direction is for us. So the generic message that has been given to an author may not be what is significant for you in your life. There will always be parts of the generic message that fits for you and others.

    The key is to take time to listen to your message from the beautiful creature before you. Focusing on a powerful animal helps you harness your power. Are you focusing on power that helps you stand up to gain insight and direction in life?

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      Gratitude is something we often take for granted.

      My dear friend, Amy, told me she stated a gratitude journal the day we were notified of shut downs regarding the virus. I found this interesting because in all of the uncertainty she started something to help her focus on the positives in her life. She is raising her vibration to rise above the issues that she is dealing with on this plane.

      Raising vibration is a gift we are given; it’s a choice. When we are faced with a difficult time in our life we need to step into part of that experience with gratitude and hope. So I start my gratitude journal and say hello to the new challenges that I face. I know it is important to work on making the best of each day and finding something to be grateful for always. Sometimes that grateful means being thankful for the ability to take my first deep breath in the morning.

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        Manifestation -- Did I Mess it Up?

        Manifestation is a powerful tool available to everyone. In order to practice manifestation, you have to be able to somehow visualize the thing you want: money, a car, a new house, friendships, whatever it is.

        There are several steps to take (which we can get into in another blog post), but one big focus of manifestation is maintaining focus on what you want AS IF it has already happened. The way to tell the Universe you are ready for the wealth you ask for is to focus your mind on that thing as if it is already here. When you get comfortable with that mindset is when things really start to happen.

        But what if my mindset shifts one day? What happens if I have a bad day and start thinking, "Oh, this won't happen. Oh, I'm stupid to think that I could succeed at that." What then? Do we need to start all over? Have we ruined everything with one backward thought?

        The short answer is no, we have not. Once you have thoughts like that, recognize them, stop the thought, and re-state the thought in a way that accepts the positive outcome. For example: I thought, "Oh, there's no way my book will be that successful." Stop. Recognize that thought is not a manifestation thought. Choose to think this: "My book is wildly successful. I put everything in place for its success." And repeat that thought all day.

        And write it down! I cannot stress it enough--writing down our manifestation dreams in SPECIFICS helps them to arrive quicker. Write down exact numbers with regard to money. Write down the make and model of the car you want. Use a dedicated notebook or a random piece of scratch paper--it doesn't matter. Writing it down keeps the thought permanent!

        We all have bad days, but don't despair--you haven't ruined your manifestation with one negative thought. Correct course quickly, and move on.

        If you are new to guided meditation, then enter your information below and you will receive your first two guided meditation journeys for free.

        Power Animal

        Speaking with the animals is one of the best ways to receive messages from spirit. There are no barriers between animals and the realms of spiritual planes. They do not have the same filters that we, as humans, have to block some of the connection with spirit.

        By channeling and traveling with a spirit animal, a person can find answers to questions one has in life. We all have a Power Animal. This is an animal who travels with us throughout our lifetime on earth. This animal guides our careers, helps us problem solve by using their attributes. The attributes of animals have been channeled by many throughout the years. Take a journey to the Lower World with us and find your Power Animal.

        Guided meditation can help you in many ways. If you are a beginner with guided meditation, enter your information below and try it out with your first two meditation journeys for free.

        Science + Spirituality

        Being in touch with ourselves and our bodies is key to our spiritual health. People like Louise Hay and others have published books on parts of the body and what we need to be aware of for healing spiritually. These authors have some great information but it is important not to rely only on their information.

        2020 was a time I saw the connections of science and spirituality coming together, a time of reflection and change. I see this time as a time of receiving messages from the angels. Some of the messages were clearly spiritual and others were scientific. Some of us received both and were able to blend the knowledge. Others may have only received one type of message or another.

        We received a lot of messages through the news about the virus, lots of prayers spread throughout the world for healing and answers and many angels were busy working to help us adjust to our new way of life. This was a blend of science and spirituality, a blend of understanding regarding how prayer can help accelerate scientific developments. We were praying for a vaccine and received our answer much sooner than expected.

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        Listen to Your Body

        Meditation is one of the best ways to relax and allow your brain to rest.

        It is also a good way to find answers to things you are struggling with in life. A guided meditation or Journey happens when someone guides you to a special place. It is like listening to a story.

        You may see images or hear sounds during this guided journey, but not everyone does. There are those who only feel during the meditation. Our body gives us signals and can help create feelings to bring awareness to something we are connected to in the journey.

        There is no need to stress about not seeing or hearing because your body is as powerful a tool as your eyes and ears.

        Enter your information below and receive your first two guided meditation journeys for free.

        Love & Light

        Love and Light, Love the Light, Love and Light.

        These are words of healing of blessing that we use frequently to let others know we care. These are simple words of acknowledging that we care for others who may be experiencing some difficulty in their world. We like to know that someone cares about us and is thinking about us. We like to know that someone is watching out for us; checking on our safety.

        Remember to check in on one another, send a text, give a call when you can, or drop by if you are close. We all cherish being acknowledged. So as we get back to our lives, let's not forget the part of Covid that was a blessing. Checking in on one another and letting our loved ones, friends, colleagues and acquaintances know we are thinking about them.

        Enter your information below to be invited to our next live guided meditation workshop! They are held online, and space is limited. We talk a bit about the focus for the day, Sharon leads us all in a guided meditation, we write about what we experienced, and discuss it. It’s a great way to spend a Saturday morning—with time for yourself!

        Enter your info and you will also receive your first two, recorded guided meditations for free! Just like the packages we have in our shop, these meditations are yours just for signing up. Enjoy!


        Recently I got a new pendulum. I have several, but there are times I like to add to my collection. I also made a new pendulum, but that is another story. It turned out beautifully until I used it six times, and then it broke, leaving me with admiration for those who are great crafters.

        Pendulums are very personal in looks, the type of material the weight is made of, the length of the chain or material holding it, and something you wear or carry always. I have friends that will only use a pendulum that vibrates in their hand or ask they dangle it in the air. I prefer a pendulum that starts out with no movement, is made of a stone material, is on a string of metal or cloth coil that hang about six inches from the pendulum top, and knows that it is ok not to have the answer.

        There are times you may not get an answer from the pendulum because the decision or outcome has not yet been shown or is not to be shown. Remember that a pendulum only gives a yes and no answer. This tool is not for seeing details or visions of outcomes. You can program your pendulum for movement for your "Yes and No" answers by holding it in front of you and asking it to, "show me a Yes," and then, "show me a No." The pendulum will move in the direction to signify the answer. This will be the consistent movement for the yes and no answers.

        Journeys with Sharon hosts live, guided meditation workshops. Our next workshop is in September, 2021. If you would like to be invited, enter your information below. You will also receive your first two guided meditation journeys you can download for free!

        Rocks Talk

        The rocks talk.

        Yes, it is true, rocks talk with us every day. We need to learn to be quiet enough to hear the messages.

        Recently I was in an amazing metaphysical store with all types of stones. It is difficult for me to be in this type of store, because all of the stones want to talk with me. I have to ask them to quiet and then I ask that only the stones that I need the most (or someone around me needs the most) to speak with me. Then I need to ask that only the stones in the section that I stand next to speak. It is a long and sometimes funny process.

        Imagine being in a room with a group of five year olds who all want to talk to you at once. This is what it is like for me in a store filled with lots of different stones. So it is important to quiet my mind and be very specific in my requests that only those stones who are needed at this time for my best and highest intent reach out to me. Then I stand in front of the group of the same stone that is calling me to hear them. I pick up one or two of the stones to connect with the energy and hear the message. I hold one stone at a time in my left hand to feel the energy. Usually the stone will feel warm or cold in my hand. The warm means this is the stone that will help me the most on my journey. I ask the stone for the message and take time to listen. So to learn to communicate with stones, one of the main components is to learn to quiet your mind and allow the stone to bring you a feeling sense of heat or cool.

        Enter your information below to receive your first two guided meditation journeys for free. Signing up also means you will be invited to our next live, online guided meditation workshop!