guided meditation

How to Remember

Seems like an obvious solution. Write it down.

When on a relaxing journey for guided meditation, we experience many things. We see things: colors, landscapes, water, rocks, animals, strange creatures, and even symbols. We hear things: music, animal sounds, water over those rocks. We might even smell our favorite scents, or experience tactile things.

When we are immersed in a guided meditation, it’s best to watch it all happen, experience it all, and stay in the moment. Try not to judge, or analyze, or otherwise figure anything out. Just let it happen, and observe it all.

After your journey, write it all down, immediately. Write as fast as you can, and you don’t have to use full sentences. Just write the experience, and list as much detail as you can remember. After that, you can look it over and make sure you haven’t forgotten anything. Then, just leave it for a while.

During your next meditation time, things might make sense. Or, something might pop up in your daily life, reminding you of the journey and all of a sudden, you realize what it all meant. At that moment, if you can, write THAT realization down!

The answers are inside us. Write it all down.

Enter your information below to receive your first guided meditation journey for free.

Love & Light

Love and Light, Love the Light, Love and Light.

These are words of healing of blessing that we use frequently to let others know we care. These are simple words of acknowledging that we care for others who may be experiencing some difficulty in their world. We like to know that someone cares about us and is thinking about us. We like to know that someone is watching out for us; checking on our safety.

Remember to check in on one another, send a text, give a call when you can, or drop by if you are close. We all cherish being acknowledged. So as we get back to our lives, let's not forget the part of Covid that was a blessing. Checking in on one another and letting our loved ones, friends, colleagues and acquaintances know we are thinking about them.

Enter your information below to be invited to our next live guided meditation workshop! They are held online, and space is limited. We talk a bit about the focus for the day, Sharon leads us all in a guided meditation, we write about what we experienced, and discuss it. It’s a great way to spend a Saturday morning—with time for yourself!

Enter your info and you will also receive your first two, recorded guided meditations for free! Just like the packages we have in our shop, these meditations are yours just for signing up. Enjoy!


Perspective - interesting how we see things based on our story.

In a journey meditation where the focus was to release the energy of the last year living with CoVid restrictions and changes, a different perspective was brought forward. We continue to hear how the pandemic has impacted us in a negative manner. Today a friend stated that this experience has not been negative for her. She has been impacted in a positive manner because of the time to be at home. Her working from home has relieved stress and anxiety.

Perspective is so powerful and it plays into the concept of our thinking. We often hear, "Just change your thoughts." This is easier said than done but the statement is true. When we change our thoughts we change our perspective. We can move from a state of negativity into a state of positive thought within a few minutes. The next time I am in a negative state I will take time to reaffirm my thinking and work to flip the switch, helping me to think differently about the situation.

Enter your information below and receive your first two guided meditation journeys for free.