Guided Meditation: Getting Started

Guided meditation is what we are all about at Journeys with Sharon. We understand that you may be new at meditation, and may have never done guided meditation before. Since we’ve been around for a while, we thought it’s a good idea to introduce the concept to all of you again.

Guided meditation a type of meditation where a person is guided through the process by a trained instructor or a recorded voice. Sharon of Journeys with Sharon, is the guide for us. She’s been helping people through her intuitive gifts for many, many years. Her goal of guided meditation is to help you relax and let visions come into your mind, while you observe them. Later on, you can write down the colors, sounds, objects, animals, or other things you experienced and can learn from them.

During a guided meditation session, Sharon will typically begin by asking you to find a comfortable seated position and to close your eyes. She will then guide you through a series of breathing exercises to help you relax and let go of any tension in the body.

Sharon will usually guide you through a mental visualization exercise, where you will imagine yourself in a particular setting: it could be a beach, a forest, your home, or a place that simply makes you happy. Sharon will then provide specific instructions on where your imagined self will go and what you will see, but without a lot of detail. For example, she might say, “Imagine you are sitting in a very comfortable chair. It’s in your favorite color and upholstery. This chair is magical, and is taking flight! It flies over…” and then she will go on to say where the chair will go. By making the objects both familiar and whimsical, this helps you to free your mind from expectation, and helps you to just let the images, sounds, colors, etc. happen.

For all of our guided meditation journeys, the length varies. Some people use them as relaxing journeys to help them fall asleep at night. Others use them to find answers to questions they have about their lives or a current struggle. All of the journeys use breath work intentionally, to help the mind to be free. We achieve this state via relaxation.

The benefits of guided meditation can include reduced stress and anxiety, improved focus and concentration, and increased feelings of calm and relaxation. It depends upon you, and your intent when taking the journey.

If you’d like to try guided meditation for free, simply sign up for our email newsletter, below, and your first guided meditation experience will be on us. We hope you will give it a try.

Your journey starts here, for free.

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