relaxing journeys

Past Lives

Time and time again I am asked about past lives. Past lives are important in our current life because there may be contracts that you are fulfilling in this life that you made in another life. I believe that we do come back to a new life with members of our soul family. We live through experiences with the same souls but not necessarily do we or others return as the same gender or role. So in a past life I may have been your sister but in this life I am your father.

The roles we chose are also related to what we are working on and learning about in our spiritual journey. I often tell a story of two twin brothers. These brothers were born three minutes apart and died in the same car accident 3 minutes apart. As the brothers stood together in heaven looking down on earth the oldest stated, "I would like to return to earth." The younger brother looked dismayed and said, " Not me." The two stood in thought for some time and the youngest turned to his older brother and asked, "What would you return to do?" The older brother responded, "to learn forgiveness." The younger brother looked at his older brother and said, "I will help you."

The point of the story is to show that we make contracts with our soul family members prior to returning to our next life. In each life we have things to learn and ways to help others learn. Through guided meditation journeys, you can connect with past lives to learn about your contracts and how these past contracts may impact your current life. There are some standard Past Life journeys in our shop. A specific past life journey can be created for you as well.

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How to Remember

Seems like an obvious solution. Write it down.

When on a relaxing journey for guided meditation, we experience many things. We see things: colors, landscapes, water, rocks, animals, strange creatures, and even symbols. We hear things: music, animal sounds, water over those rocks. We might even smell our favorite scents, or experience tactile things.

When we are immersed in a guided meditation, it’s best to watch it all happen, experience it all, and stay in the moment. Try not to judge, or analyze, or otherwise figure anything out. Just let it happen, and observe it all.

After your journey, write it all down, immediately. Write as fast as you can, and you don’t have to use full sentences. Just write the experience, and list as much detail as you can remember. After that, you can look it over and make sure you haven’t forgotten anything. Then, just leave it for a while.

During your next meditation time, things might make sense. Or, something might pop up in your daily life, reminding you of the journey and all of a sudden, you realize what it all meant. At that moment, if you can, write THAT realization down!

The answers are inside us. Write it all down.

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Ebb, Tide, Flow

Ebb and Tide are the words that have come to me a lot this week.

We ebb and tide in our lives through the comings and goings of our relationships with friends, lovers, family, pets, coworkers and neighbors. Throughout the past year and a half with COVID many of our relationships have either gotten stronger, lessened in communication, stopped completely due to differences or just changed because of space and distance. Families have not been able to travel to visit or vacation in the same manner, friends have had to change the way and where they meet, coworkers are not hanging out in the lunchroom as much, and more. People have been sent home to work so seeing someone virtually has become a norm.

These adjustments require us to have patience, use our daily time differently, organize our lives and prepare for company on a screen. Some of my friends have enjoyed a weekly Friday cocktail together virtually since March of 2020. It is important to remember that we have adjusted and made things work for us. Yes, some relationships have ended but so has the way we look at life. Take time to center yourself each day and know you are doing the best you can and are being the best you are within the new parameters of our lives. Also remember it is ok to end a relationship or change the connection. Energy changes every day and with that energy so do we.

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