
Recently I had someone tell me that they could heal me.

While I know the intent came from a good place, I believe we, as humans, do not have the power to heal people with certain diseases or afflictions. I have come to understand that illness may be a part of our path. I believe we make a contract upon coming into this life, and with this contract we chose all of our experiences on some level.

Yes, we have choices.

I had a choice presented to me during a surgery in 2016. I had a wonderful angel appear to me and give me the choice to stay here on earth or take my leave. I chose to stay because I felt I had more to do. Our healing comes from ourselves through Great Spirit, our angels, doctors, and prayers from loved ones. There is no single person who can heal us. The energy can be sent through us as humans to help the process of healing, but the healing comes from Spirit and our belief in something greater than ourselves.

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