NEW Oracle Cards -- the Stones Speak Deck!

Rose Quartz card from the Stones Speak oracle deck!

Please enjoy the following message from Sharon:

Hello My Fellow Travelers, 

Exciting News!!! We have a new fun feature on the website for you to use. Our Oracle Stone Speaks Deck is now available for you to get a daily message. Visit the website and click on the link for the Oracle Stone Speaks Deck and enjoy your message from Spirit. 

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    Guided Meditation: Getting Started

    Guided meditation is what we are all about at Journeys with Sharon. We understand that you may be new at meditation, and may have never done guided meditation before. Since we’ve been around for a while, we thought it’s a good idea to introduce the concept to all of you again.

    Guided meditation a type of meditation where a person is guided through the process by a trained instructor or a recorded voice. Sharon of Journeys with Sharon, is the guide for us. She’s been helping people through her intuitive gifts for many, many years. Her goal of guided meditation is to help you relax and let visions come into your mind, while you observe them. Later on, you can write down the colors, sounds, objects, animals, or other things you experienced and can learn from them.

    During a guided meditation session, Sharon will typically begin by asking you to find a comfortable seated position and to close your eyes. She will then guide you through a series of breathing exercises to help you relax and let go of any tension in the body.

    Sharon will usually guide you through a mental visualization exercise, where you will imagine yourself in a particular setting: it could be a beach, a forest, your home, or a place that simply makes you happy. Sharon will then provide specific instructions on where your imagined self will go and what you will see, but without a lot of detail. For example, she might say, “Imagine you are sitting in a very comfortable chair. It’s in your favorite color and upholstery. This chair is magical, and is taking flight! It flies over…” and then she will go on to say where the chair will go. By making the objects both familiar and whimsical, this helps you to free your mind from expectation, and helps you to just let the images, sounds, colors, etc. happen.

    For all of our guided meditation journeys, the length varies. Some people use them as relaxing journeys to help them fall asleep at night. Others use them to find answers to questions they have about their lives or a current struggle. All of the journeys use breath work intentionally, to help the mind to be free. We achieve this state via relaxation.

    The benefits of guided meditation can include reduced stress and anxiety, improved focus and concentration, and increased feelings of calm and relaxation. It depends upon you, and your intent when taking the journey.

    If you’d like to try guided meditation for free, simply sign up for our email newsletter, below, and your first guided meditation experience will be on us. We hope you will give it a try.

    Your journey starts here, for free.

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      No Limits

      We must be careful not to put limits on ourselves.

      Boundaries are good, because we need to protect ourselves, our time, our energy, and our focus. Some people wish to intrude upon these things with us, and we have to guard against it. But a boundary is not a limit to our OWN potential.

      I wish for you to think about avoiding limits when manifesting what you want. When you are manifesting, make sure you are as close to perfectly happy as you can be. Be calm and take breaths, and focus. When asking the Universe for what you want, try not to put a limit on it.

      Instead of asking for $10,000, ask for, “more than enough money to cover the cost of a first-class vacation.”

      Especially when manifesting anything having to do with money or abundance, don’t limit it. The Universe is vast, and all the money you can imagine is at your disposal. It is coming to you.

      If you put a limit on it, the Universe will listen. There are no limits to your abundance.

      Your journey starts here, for free.

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        A close-up from the recent Webb telescope images of the Universe.

        The Universe is vast.

        Have a look at that image above. It’s from the James Webb telescope and it shows four interactive galaxies.

        Four. Galaxies.

        Each of the tiny background “blobs” in the background is a galaxy. Those tiny blobs are GALAXIES. Our planet, which we call Earth, is part of a solar system of planets inside of ONE galaxy, named the Milky Way. Mars is 107.4 million miles away from us, and it’s the next planet after Earth in the “My Very Educated Mother” song. That’s just in our solar system. There are more than 500 solar systems inside of the Milky Way.

        To say the Universe is vast is an understatement.

        It makes me feel both very small and insignificant, and incredibly optimistic at the same time. It’s optimistic because simply existing as the tiniest speck of nothingness (compared to the vastness of the Universe) is enough. There is no doubt that it is enough simply to survive. We are specks on the specks of existence inside the vastness of the Universe.

        I am also optimistic because, since surviving, breathing, and experiencing life is enough, then anything I accomplish will move me closer to my financial goals (which seem ridiculously small). If I write one page per day, one blog, one word of a blog entry, one LETTER of a blog entry, then that is enough.

        Breathing in and out is enough.

        You are enough.

        One more note: Look at that photograph, or the one below, and tell me that there isn’t enough money to go around. There are galaxies upon galaxies!

        Abundance is mine, and it is also yours. Breathing is enough. We are all wealthy beyond our wildest dreams.

        Also, dream bigger.

        Where does it feel like home?

        This year for Valentines Day I was in Lemuria; Hawaii.

        When I first landed on the shores of Hawaii I felt a completeness of life. I knew I had lived here before as a mermaid. Past life memories can be so clear and connected at times and this was the case when I set my feet on the ground in Honolulu. I felt like I was home. There was nothing at the time to clear in terms of karmic blocks; only bliss. I felt at home, at peace and connected to the land all around me.

        My connection with the earth, water and air there was so pure and comfortable. When this type of feeling occurs in a new place you are visiting, it is important to take note and ask your guides to show you what you need to know about the life and experience. Ask if there is anything you need to clear or work through in this life. Does your current life cary any lessons or connections? Take a minute and meditate to hear your answers, feel the importance of this life connection, and thank spirit for bringing you back to a place that is so familiar and loving.

        You can also ask me to create a past life journey tailored to your specific life connections.

        Be well and breathe.

        Enter your information below and receive your first guided meditation journey for free!


        Nature and the calling of the animals is significant to our path and lessons.

        Recently I was on a boat journey to sight whales. The trip was scheduled to start at 7:30am. I was awakened at 4 am to the song of the whale. These amazing creatures are calling me home. Calling me to know their essence and presence in my life.

        Whale has always been close to me in spirit. The whale is the keeper of the ancient secrets, the ancient book of knowledge. I often ride on the back of the whale in mediation or whale appears to give me information guiding and directing my life. So I was not surprised that I was awakened to connect with the energy of this beloved spirit animal.

        I continued to hear the song all morning. Then the magic happened: the whales. We sighted seven whales that day and one was a baby. There were over 100 dolphins traveling with us and sea turtles emerged as well. I was in the water snorkeling for the first time and connected. I felt a sense of safety and balance in life as a snorkeled. I had no fear of what was below me. I knew I was protected. As I snorkeled I began to hear messages. Spirit spoke to me about the coming of the war, another variant in the fall and financial highs and lows in our near future.

        None of this seemed to be of importance because I understood that no matter what the challenge, I was protected. My family, friends, community, and country would survive with better knowledge, more humanity and love.

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        A Spiritual Experience

        About a week ago I woke up; or thought I did.

        I woke up to have an amazing yellow light cover me and surround the whole room with the brightest, purest light imaginable. All I wanted to do was continue to lay in the rays and soak up the peaceful feelings brought to me. I looked at my phone for the time and it was 3:11am. I thought it was the start of the day but knew the sun did not shine at this time of day.

        I later awoke at 5:32am to discover the darkness of the night still existed. I realized this was a visit from one or more angels. They were filling me with peace and love, and letting me know that no mater what is happening in the world I am protected and loved. This is a very intense feeling of love and protection from my spirit beings. This was a reminder that no matter what is happening I will be ok.

        Blessings and light sent to you all.

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        Tarot Readings: Accurate?

        I get a lot of questions about accuracy of Tarot readings. I

        think one thing to remember is that the Tarot is a tool. The reader is reading the card and energy at the same time. So a reader first assesses and picks up on your energy then reads what they feel from you based on the message of the card or cards pulled. This is why I say the best reading is an intuitive Tarot reading.

        To just read the Tarot by itself is good but a good reader will read energy as well. There is another part of this: most readers are connected to spiritual beings as they read. So as the reader is connecting to your energy this person also connecting to guides/angels/spiritual beings who present information to help with the reading. If you have a reader who just reads the Tarot by itself you will find you get a limited reading. The key is to find a reader who will connect on all levels: reading your energy, connecting with spiritual beings and using the Tarot as a tool to guide the answers to your query.

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        Past Lives

        Time and time again I am asked about past lives. Past lives are important in our current life because there may be contracts that you are fulfilling in this life that you made in another life. I believe that we do come back to a new life with members of our soul family. We live through experiences with the same souls but not necessarily do we or others return as the same gender or role. So in a past life I may have been your sister but in this life I am your father.

        The roles we chose are also related to what we are working on and learning about in our spiritual journey. I often tell a story of two twin brothers. These brothers were born three minutes apart and died in the same car accident 3 minutes apart. As the brothers stood together in heaven looking down on earth the oldest stated, "I would like to return to earth." The younger brother looked dismayed and said, " Not me." The two stood in thought for some time and the youngest turned to his older brother and asked, "What would you return to do?" The older brother responded, "to learn forgiveness." The younger brother looked at his older brother and said, "I will help you."

        The point of the story is to show that we make contracts with our soul family members prior to returning to our next life. In each life we have things to learn and ways to help others learn. Through guided meditation journeys, you can connect with past lives to learn about your contracts and how these past contracts may impact your current life. There are some standard Past Life journeys in our shop. A specific past life journey can be created for you as well.

        Are you interested in learning about how guided meditation can reveal answers? Enter your information below and receive your first guided meditation journey for free.

        Soul Retrieval: What is it?

        Soul Retrieval: What is it?

        Ancient medicine masters look at our spiritual selves to access illness. They believe that we often manifest illness emotionally, therefore the belief is that illness is related to soul loss. We can lose parts of our soul because of trauma. This trauma can come from abuse, an accident, being in a war, being a victim of a terrorist act, acting against our morals, being in a natural disaster (a fire, hurricane, earthquake, tornado, etc.), surgery, addictions, divorce, or death of a loved one. Any event that causes shock could cause soul loss. This is how we survive pain in traumatic situations.

        The belief is that when we suffer emotional trauma, a part of our soul flees to survive the experience. It is much like removing a child from a bad situation. Each part of our soul is pure and vulnerable so when we do not feel safe we lock that part away. Think of it as watching a 3-year-old being hit and scolded for crying. What would you do? You would want to rush in and take the child to a safe place. This is what you do with your soul part that is being attacked or hurt in some way; you rush in and put the part in a safe place. This place can be a garden, a cave, chamber, or a type of special room where you have felt safe. You are not aware of moving the soul part during the trauma but as you get older and start to unfold this, what blocks you, drives you or causes you fear may be related to a trauma from your past.

        A soul retrieval is designed to help you bring back that soul part that you put away to protect. It is a process of identifying the emotional trauma, and then taking a journey to find and reunite with the soul part. This journey is designed and developed especially for you. There is no generic answer for this type of work because your soul and path are unique to you.

        The end result of a soul retrieval is the feeling of being whole again: feeling complete, and the situations that triggered specific reactions and emotions are gone. You can have more than one soul part missing. There are times that with one journey you will find more than one soul part to restore. This is not always the case and after a time retrieving one part you may realize there are other parts to find and bring home as well.
        I can work with you remotely to help you retrieve a lost soul part and create the journey tailored for you to retrieve these parts you have put away to protect.

        Click here to request a personalized soul retrieval journey.

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