Love & Light

Love and Light, Love the Light, Love and Light.

These are words of healing of blessing that we use frequently to let others know we care. These are simple words of acknowledging that we care for others who may be experiencing some difficulty in their world. We like to know that someone cares about us and is thinking about us. We like to know that someone is watching out for us; checking on our safety.

Remember to check in on one another, send a text, give a call when you can, or drop by if you are close. We all cherish being acknowledged. So as we get back to our lives, let's not forget the part of Covid that was a blessing. Checking in on one another and letting our loved ones, friends, colleagues and acquaintances know we are thinking about them.

Enter your information below to be invited to our next live guided meditation workshop! They are held online, and space is limited. We talk a bit about the focus for the day, Sharon leads us all in a guided meditation, we write about what we experienced, and discuss it. It’s a great way to spend a Saturday morning—with time for yourself!

Enter your info and you will also receive your first two, recorded guided meditations for free! Just like the packages we have in our shop, these meditations are yours just for signing up. Enjoy!