Love Yourself


Where do we go from here?

This is a question many are asking as we learn about new variants and what will work with the vaccine we have, what needs to improve and how much longer we are confined. There are many who are feeling the pressure of being indoors, being at home alone, being separated from all loved ones and friends. We have endured so much. The media tell us to have faith, workout, reach out and stay safe. Well, almost everyone I know is doing all of the above.

But there are times of uncertainty and loneliness. So what do we do? I wish I had all of the answers, but I do not. I can only tell you what works for me: faith. Faith in knowing that God/Great Spirit/Creator or as I often say; He Who Has a Thousand Names, along with our Great Mother Earth are working to help us move to the next phase, and all we can do is wait it out.

How we wait it out is the key.

The main idea is to be good to ourselves. Take time each day to remember something you love about you and your life. Find three things each day to love. Close your eyes and take in three deep breaths, think of something about yourself that you love and see yourself in that way. See yourself as an amazing person. Then think of another aspect of you that you love. Maybe this is an extension of you, or something that you do to laugh. Remember the times that you laugh and visualize who is with you. What are you both doing that makes you laugh? Find one more thing that you love about you. See yourself celebrating you and all you are. See yourself celebrating with a party, a glass of your drink or a piece of your favorite food. Breathe in this scene of celebration and remember that you can celebrate the love of you daily.

Soon we will be back with the ones we love. So let’s for now learn and remember to love ourselves. You are perfect in every way.