
Recently I got a new pendulum. I have several, but there are times I like to add to my collection. I also made a new pendulum, but that is another story. It turned out beautifully until I used it six times, and then it broke, leaving me with admiration for those who are great crafters.

Pendulums are very personal in looks, the type of material the weight is made of, the length of the chain or material holding it, and something you wear or carry always. I have friends that will only use a pendulum that vibrates in their hand or ask they dangle it in the air. I prefer a pendulum that starts out with no movement, is made of a stone material, is on a string of metal or cloth coil that hang about six inches from the pendulum top, and knows that it is ok not to have the answer.

There are times you may not get an answer from the pendulum because the decision or outcome has not yet been shown or is not to be shown. Remember that a pendulum only gives a yes and no answer. This tool is not for seeing details or visions of outcomes. You can program your pendulum for movement for your "Yes and No" answers by holding it in front of you and asking it to, "show me a Yes," and then, "show me a No." The pendulum will move in the direction to signify the answer. This will be the consistent movement for the yes and no answers.

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