Finding Joy

Joy and light are abundant but we often forget to tap into the energy.

There are elementals all around us carrying energy to make us laugh. It is important to find the joy daily in your life. Find a joke or cartoon to produce a laugh, or think of a time with family and friends when you were playful and happy.

Find joy in your daily routine.

Joy is important to healing and reducing stress. It is important to laugh daily. I cannot say this enough - find one time in the day to stop and laugh.

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Animal Messages

Animals in nature are one of the greatest blessings we can experience because each has a message for us.

Often we look at the Internet and books to find the message but the truth is the message you receive may not match what has been predetermined. It is important to take time to hear what the animal has to say in the instance of connection. The message may be a very personal one for you.

When you first engage/connect with the animal, stop and listen to what this being is saying. Animal spirits and souls are like the souls of our guides. Our guides give us direction and this direction is for us. So the generic message that has been given to an author may not be what is significant for you in your life. There will always be parts of the generic message that fit for you and others. The key is to take time to listen to your message from the beautiful creature before you.

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Cancer is one of the most dreaded words to hear from your medical advisors. This is a word that we have learned to fear because we have been trained to believe no matter what we do, death is inevitable.

One of the areas I have been shown this last year is the innovations coming in through science. Each day there are advancements to find better treatments and cures for cancers we are facing. As I marvel in the drive and blessing of the human brain I also am brought to a belief that is hard for me to shake. My mother used to tell me all the time, the day you are born is the same day your day of death is written. She used to say no one can ever change this pattern. She would say this is the code and nothing can change this system. When I talk with the angels I am told this is a true message.

So why all of the suffering with trying to live longer? Well it is because we are here to learn and part of the learning is an exchange with others. In order to advance with science and technology we need to surrender to the process of growth through experimentation.

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Soul Mate or Life Partner?

Life partner is a term that I am hearing more and more when people are talking about finding someone to share their life. It used to be the term soul mate but this has changed and now soul mate is the catch phrase.

Whether soul mate or life partner, both soul's connections are done on the Universal level. The key difference is a life partner comes with more of a soul connection and fewer lessons. Often a soul mate is a spirit who is here to teach and learn with as we engage.

A life partner is a soul who is compatible with our energy, complements our desires to grow and learn together and the lessons are mutual and equal. We identify one another quickly because the soul connection is there for us to absorb. Often when we hear the term, "love at first sight," this is the connection with a life partner. Life partners are those connections that keep us together for years and often lead to us dying within a short time of one another. When a soul comes in and out of your life; this is a soul mate. A being there to teach or learn form the experience with you. So stay open to finding your life partner and don't settle for someone temporary.

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Master Numbers

After an amazing reading with a fellow psychic I was reminded of the power and guidance of our birth number, as well as the power of the Master numbers; 7, 11, 33.

In numerology we are taught to break down numbers to a single digit. But for the Master numbers we are not to break them down. Keep them as the representation of guidance by our Spirit. These numbers hold the power of your life path.

Being a 33, I have learned that does not always mean I have positive things happening in my life. Quite the contrary, I have had many difficult lessons in my life. I think the key for being born under the Master number of 33 means I am protected in even the most difficult lessons. This Master number represents a teacher. To be a good teacher I must also be a good student. I need to pay attention to the lessons around me and the knowledge of guidance that brings me to truth. This truth of life and my path has created an amazing and at times painful journey. Ultimately it led me here, sharing information and knowledge, in the hope it will help others on their path of love and light.

If you are ready to start practicing guided meditation, enter your information below and receive your first two recorded meditation journeys, for free.

Journey to Gaia

Journey to the center of Gaia.

There are amazing caves, libraries, soul connection rooms, streams, waterfalls, forests and the amazing power animals. Journeying to the center of our Mother Earth helps us find information to help us walk our path on her surface.

Many individuals like to travel up to the galaxies and forget to connect with Gaia. There is a saying, "As Above, So Below." This saying is telling us to connect the Galaxy and Gaia to our existence. We need to be up, down and in the middle to find our complete balance in this lifetime.

Growing and learning comes from all of the aspects of our galaxy and for some of us beyond. Explore the rooms and openness of Gaia by traveling into her core. Take a journey with us today.

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Enter the World of Faeries and Gnomes

Wow have you ever looked at the crevices of an old knotted tree? If you look really closely you will see the fairies and gnomes inside. These elementals live with us in nature and find their way into your existence often through meditation. Remember when you were a child, no barriers, with full imagination? This was the time you could see and know the fairies and gnomes, the small beings of our universe. In the Spring these wonderful beings appear more clearly to the eye. Meditation can be done with your eyes open. You can enter the world of the fairies and gnomes by sitting very still and concentrating on the knots and twists in the trees. Concentrate on the openings and crevices to see the beings within. As you focus on these amazing elementals and their energy, ask for messages. You will hear and feel their presence. They will visit with you and bring you information to guide you in your growth. They want you to grow and they love any time you spend with them.

Guided meditation can help you to get started with meditation in a gentle way. Enter your information below to receive your first guided meditation journeys for free.


Our soul families often present themselves in colors and planet forms.

For instance, my soul family is from the Blue Planet. This is a planet that is blue and has pure white water flowing through. I do not mean the color you can see through I do mean the color of white. The water looks like cow’s milk. I have visited this planet often through dreams and visions. As a child I saw this planet in my third eye dimension but did not understand fully what the vision meant.

Since then I have learned this is the planet that I go to in death to renew and decide if I will return or not. The souls that I connect with here on Earth are often souls from this planet. I have learned that we come to Mother Earth in families and recurring groups to experience the next journey on our eternal life path. I invite you to take a guided meditation journey with me to find your Soul Planet and connect with the energy of your soul, your soul’s guides, and more.

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    The Name of God

    I had an interesting conversation regarding Passover with my grandchildren.

    As we talked about this celebration of freedom and life, we started to connect organized religions to the same stories and belief systems. They realized that no matter what name God is given, the basis for the religion all comes to the main idea of one God. The stories are connected by the same name but may have a different accent.

    This conversation opened the ideas of what I have said for years, "He who has a thousand names." I know for some this would be, "She" and for me there is no difference when it comes to a higher power. So when we call on our Higher Power we may use any name that we know and are comfortable using.

    The key to all of this for me is the belief in a spiritual realm, helping me to move forward in lessons of love and light. It does not matter the name because it is the energy that counts and supports me in my life.

    If you would like to connect on a deeper level with your spirit, practice meditation, and find some peace, enter your information below. You will receive your first guided meditation journeys for free!

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      When I think of new beginnings I always think of movement through music.

      The music starts very slow and brings our attention to the goal of change. Then the music slowly begins to build into a faster crescendo. This creates the excitement and movement for new ideas.

      When we are ready it is important to have a system of building a balance to be innovative and adventurous. Music and the movement created by music can be the best background for designing new products, ideas or beliefs. So take some time to enjoy the music as you start something new.

      If you’d like to try guided mediation for free, enter your information below and you will receive access to your first two journeys!