Manifestation -- Did I Mess it Up?

Manifestation is a powerful tool available to everyone. In order to practice manifestation, you have to be able to somehow visualize the thing you want: money, a car, a new house, friendships, whatever it is.

There are several steps to take (which we can get into in another blog post), but one big focus of manifestation is maintaining focus on what you want AS IF it has already happened. The way to tell the Universe you are ready for the wealth you ask for is to focus your mind on that thing as if it is already here. When you get comfortable with that mindset is when things really start to happen.

But what if my mindset shifts one day? What happens if I have a bad day and start thinking, "Oh, this won't happen. Oh, I'm stupid to think that I could succeed at that." What then? Do we need to start all over? Have we ruined everything with one backward thought?

The short answer is no, we have not. Once you have thoughts like that, recognize them, stop the thought, and re-state the thought in a way that accepts the positive outcome. For example: I thought, "Oh, there's no way my book will be that successful." Stop. Recognize that thought is not a manifestation thought. Choose to think this: "My book is wildly successful. I put everything in place for its success." And repeat that thought all day.

And write it down! I cannot stress it enough--writing down our manifestation dreams in SPECIFICS helps them to arrive quicker. Write down exact numbers with regard to money. Write down the make and model of the car you want. Use a dedicated notebook or a random piece of scratch paper--it doesn't matter. Writing it down keeps the thought permanent!

We all have bad days, but don't despair--you haven't ruined your manifestation with one negative thought. Correct course quickly, and move on.

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