Rocks Talk

The rocks talk.

Yes, it is true, rocks talk with us every day. We need to learn to be quiet enough to hear the messages.

Recently I was in an amazing metaphysical store with all types of stones. It is difficult for me to be in this type of store, because all of the stones want to talk with me. I have to ask them to quiet and then I ask that only the stones that I need the most (or someone around me needs the most) to speak with me. Then I need to ask that only the stones in the section that I stand next to speak. It is a long and sometimes funny process.

Imagine being in a room with a group of five year olds who all want to talk to you at once. This is what it is like for me in a store filled with lots of different stones. So it is important to quiet my mind and be very specific in my requests that only those stones who are needed at this time for my best and highest intent reach out to me. Then I stand in front of the group of the same stone that is calling me to hear them. I pick up one or two of the stones to connect with the energy and hear the message. I hold one stone at a time in my left hand to feel the energy. Usually the stone will feel warm or cold in my hand. The warm means this is the stone that will help me the most on my journey. I ask the stone for the message and take time to listen. So to learn to communicate with stones, one of the main components is to learn to quiet your mind and allow the stone to bring you a feeling sense of heat or cool.

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