Guided Meditation: A Journey into your Soul

Guided meditations are journeys into the soul.

A journey can help us find what we are seeking to complete our quest here on Earth, to connect with our guides, to find answers about our purpose in this lifetime and to help us feel connected to the Spiritual Realms.

Our openness is important when we journey through guided meditation because our angels, helpers and ancestors show us information in the guided meditation journey to help us manage our lives on this plain: Earth. Our soul connections can be found through journeys, that are guided meditations with specific purpose and direction.

Using guided meditation is a great way to start a meditation practice in your life. I talk to you, and guide your thoughts. I tell you what is happening on the journey, and you see the images in your mind. You see it happening as it should for you and your purpose. Everybody sees something different. mail

Instead of sitting and breathing and trying to find the zen of nothingness, (and feeling like a failure when we can’t seem to quiet our minds) take a guided meditation. You will feel refreshed and refocused, just like with quiet meditation, and may receive answers to questions, or guidance about life choices. You may be surprised by what you see and hear. The entire way, I am with you, guiding the process, and bringing you back at the end.

After your guided meditation, it’s helpful to write down your experiences in a journal, so you can revisit the experience and notice patterns, as you keep going with this practice.

If you have questions about taking a guided mediation journey, please feel free to email us, anytime.

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Perspective - interesting how we see things based on our story.

In a journey meditation where the focus was to release the energy of the last year living with CoVid restrictions and changes, a different perspective was brought forward. We continue to hear how the pandemic has impacted us in a negative manner. Today a friend stated that this experience has not been negative for her. She has been impacted in a positive manner because of the time to be at home. Her working from home has relieved stress and anxiety.

Perspective is so powerful and it plays into the concept of our thinking. We often hear, "Just change your thoughts." This is easier said than done but the statement is true. When we change our thoughts we change our perspective. We can move from a state of negativity into a state of positive thought within a few minutes. The next time I am in a negative state I will take time to reaffirm my thinking and work to flip the switch, helping me to think differently about the situation.

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Relationships come in all forms and shapes. Some are strong with feelings of joy, some long term and others filled with lessons.

Today I was reminded about cutting cords in relationships. A woman was talking with me about her relationship with her alcoholic boyfriend and how he tells her he cuts cords with her regularly. I found this interesting because they have a relationship that falls apart on an average of every three days. They stop talking every three days, miss one another the fourth day and then are back together for two days until he cuts the cords again and they part.

So is it the cutting of the cords that is creating the change in energy and the separation? I do not think so. I think that the term "cutting the cords" is being used in a very loose manner to justify not being in a relationship.

Spiritually our angels, helpers and guides want us to cut cords with energy that is not serving us. They do not want us to use cord cutting as a way out of a relationship. Interesting ,how some techniques are used for personal gain or benefit rather than the spiritual intention they were created for in our lives.

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Let It Go


Let it go, Let it go

These words are so easy to say, but not necessarily to do. It is hard to let go of something that you are comfortable with in life; even when the person or situation does not bring you joy or relief.

It is hard to move forward because the unknown can be very scary, because of the uncertainty. We work to find answers and clarity by reading cards, talking with friends, talking with psychics, but still there can be that doubt of energy that blocks us from moving forward.

We are told to let go and move on but what does that represent for us? Are we truly ready to let go of the situation? We need to be comfortable and ready to see a benefit for change. If we do not see a benefit we tend to stay because things are familiar. This is the one thought that keeps us from letting go, from moving forward to a new experience: familiarity, the belief that what we know is better than what we risk.

Risking is trust and trust can be hard. We need to learn to trust the unknown. Every time I have finally "let go” and trusted the unknown, things in my life have worked out. The process of getting there was the most difficult because if I had simply trusted from the start that all would be ok then I would have avoided the stress of trying to control what I had and knew what was real.

In reality the way that I saw things as I was living them were not reality. It was more of a struggle. So "let it go" may feel like it is going to be hard but in the long run is the easiest thing to do.

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Lemuria - the ancient civilization.

I found this on Wikipedia: "James Bramwell portrayed Lemuria in his book, Lost Atlantis, as, “a continent that occupied a large part of what is now the South Pacific Ocean.” He described the people of Lemuria in detail and characterized them as one of the, “root-races of humanity.” According to Bramwell, Lemurians are the ancestors of the Atlanteans, who survived the period "of the general racial decadence which affected the Lemurians in the last stages of their evolution.” From "a select division of" the Atlanteans – after their promotion to decadence – Bramwell claims the Aryan race arose. "Lemurians, Atlanteans, and Aryans are root-races of humanity", according to Bramwell.[6]"

After being in Hawaii I was intrigued by the abundance of the Lemurian stone, and the energy of peacefulness surrounding this stone. One of the shopkeepers that I spoke with believes that the energy of Lemuria is the reason for the relaxed life and love existing in Hawaii. Again during my visit I had a dream of being a mermaid in Lemuria. This has been a reoccurring dream for me, and in the dream I started to connect the love and humanity of Lemuria with the science of the insurgence of Atlantis.

I am channelling the energy of Lemuria and will have a journey package available soon for you to enjoy this energy with me.

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Summertime, summertime, summertime, sum, sum, summertime - I cannot wait.

The group of angels who talk with me daily are showing me that by July we will feel like we are able to hang out together, hug, laugh, enjoy a concert, and more. We will still need to be aware of wearing masks, washing our hands, and keeping some distance from those we do not associate with on a regular basis. The summer will bring us some joy for opening ourselves to what we used to call normal.

The angels have shown me our elders in nursing homes are out and enjoying the activities they did before CoVid first hit. All of us will enjoy time and space in a familiar way. I cannot wait and until then I will keep singing the song I sang when I was younger. Summertime, summertime, summertime...

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Fortune Telling


So often we want the magic ball to know what is going to happen in our lives as we move forward .

We want to know when the money will come, when the love will come, when the new job will be offered, when we can leave a bad relationship or when the person who is not healthy will get well. Prediction drives our need to know.

One thing I want you to understand is that the angels around you like to surprise you. There are times they do not want you to be forewarned because they like to surprise you with a new love, new child, new home, bonus at your job, connection with a loved one who you have not connected with for a while, and the list goes on and on. So let yourself be surprised sometimes.

Being an Aquarian, I am always mentally working to figure out the next move or step in life. There are times my angels literally will block me from seeing the future because they do like to surprise me. I have learned to trust that all will be as it should be and that is the most important aspect of life. Allow yourself to let it happen as planned by beings greater than you or me.

So be happy and let the angels clap for you.

Find the Center


Come to the center of your heart to find the quiet within.

Finding the quiet in our day and experience is important for our calm. It is important for us to set aside time to breathe into the center of our hearts and create the peace we need. This helps us to shut down our minds and "just be."

It is important for us to learn to just be in life. Not to think about what is next or what is in the past. To be in the moment, the space of nothingness and allow ourselves to feel full acceptance of self. We can incorporate all of our soul through the quiet of our heart and mind. Void of thoughts, images, planning. Total acceptance of nothing, to feel total peace and love.

Try to be in a space of quieting your heart and mind at the same time. Breathing into your heart helps to empty the mind. Be at peace in total silence.

Guided meditation can help you find your heart center. Enter your email information below and receive your first guided meditation journeys for free!