Guided Meditation: A Journey into your Soul

Guided meditations are journeys into the soul.

A journey can help us find what we are seeking to complete our quest here on Earth, to connect with our guides, to find answers about our purpose in this lifetime and to help us feel connected to the Spiritual Realms.

Our openness is important when we journey through guided meditation because our angels, helpers and ancestors show us information in the guided meditation journey to help us manage our lives on this plain: Earth. Our soul connections can be found through journeys, that are guided meditations with specific purpose and direction.

Using guided meditation is a great way to start a meditation practice in your life. I talk to you, and guide your thoughts. I tell you what is happening on the journey, and you see the images in your mind. You see it happening as it should for you and your purpose. Everybody sees something different. mail

Instead of sitting and breathing and trying to find the zen of nothingness, (and feeling like a failure when we can’t seem to quiet our minds) take a guided meditation. You will feel refreshed and refocused, just like with quiet meditation, and may receive answers to questions, or guidance about life choices. You may be surprised by what you see and hear. The entire way, I am with you, guiding the process, and bringing you back at the end.

After your guided meditation, it’s helpful to write down your experiences in a journal, so you can revisit the experience and notice patterns, as you keep going with this practice.

If you have questions about taking a guided mediation journey, please feel free to email us, anytime.

Ready to start with guided meditation? Enter your information below and get your first two journeys for free!