Let It Go


Let it go, Let it go

These words are so easy to say, but not necessarily to do. It is hard to let go of something that you are comfortable with in life; even when the person or situation does not bring you joy or relief.

It is hard to move forward because the unknown can be very scary, because of the uncertainty. We work to find answers and clarity by reading cards, talking with friends, talking with psychics, but still there can be that doubt of energy that blocks us from moving forward.

We are told to let go and move on but what does that represent for us? Are we truly ready to let go of the situation? We need to be comfortable and ready to see a benefit for change. If we do not see a benefit we tend to stay because things are familiar. This is the one thought that keeps us from letting go, from moving forward to a new experience: familiarity, the belief that what we know is better than what we risk.

Risking is trust and trust can be hard. We need to learn to trust the unknown. Every time I have finally "let go” and trusted the unknown, things in my life have worked out. The process of getting there was the most difficult because if I had simply trusted from the start that all would be ok then I would have avoided the stress of trying to control what I had and knew what was real.

In reality the way that I saw things as I was living them were not reality. It was more of a struggle. So "let it go" may feel like it is going to be hard but in the long run is the easiest thing to do.

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