guided meditation for answers

No Limits

We must be careful not to put limits on ourselves.

Boundaries are good, because we need to protect ourselves, our time, our energy, and our focus. Some people wish to intrude upon these things with us, and we have to guard against it. But a boundary is not a limit to our OWN potential.

I wish for you to think about avoiding limits when manifesting what you want. When you are manifesting, make sure you are as close to perfectly happy as you can be. Be calm and take breaths, and focus. When asking the Universe for what you want, try not to put a limit on it.

Instead of asking for $10,000, ask for, “more than enough money to cover the cost of a first-class vacation.”

Especially when manifesting anything having to do with money or abundance, don’t limit it. The Universe is vast, and all the money you can imagine is at your disposal. It is coming to you.

If you put a limit on it, the Universe will listen. There are no limits to your abundance.

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    Past Lives

    Time and time again I am asked about past lives. Past lives are important in our current life because there may be contracts that you are fulfilling in this life that you made in another life. I believe that we do come back to a new life with members of our soul family. We live through experiences with the same souls but not necessarily do we or others return as the same gender or role. So in a past life I may have been your sister but in this life I am your father.

    The roles we chose are also related to what we are working on and learning about in our spiritual journey. I often tell a story of two twin brothers. These brothers were born three minutes apart and died in the same car accident 3 minutes apart. As the brothers stood together in heaven looking down on earth the oldest stated, "I would like to return to earth." The younger brother looked dismayed and said, " Not me." The two stood in thought for some time and the youngest turned to his older brother and asked, "What would you return to do?" The older brother responded, "to learn forgiveness." The younger brother looked at his older brother and said, "I will help you."

    The point of the story is to show that we make contracts with our soul family members prior to returning to our next life. In each life we have things to learn and ways to help others learn. Through guided meditation journeys, you can connect with past lives to learn about your contracts and how these past contracts may impact your current life. There are some standard Past Life journeys in our shop. A specific past life journey can be created for you as well.

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