Soul Retrieval: What is it?

Soul Retrieval: What is it?

Ancient medicine masters look at our spiritual selves to access illness. They believe that we often manifest illness emotionally, therefore the belief is that illness is related to soul loss. We can lose parts of our soul because of trauma. This trauma can come from abuse, an accident, being in a war, being a victim of a terrorist act, acting against our morals, being in a natural disaster (a fire, hurricane, earthquake, tornado, etc.), surgery, addictions, divorce, or death of a loved one. Any event that causes shock could cause soul loss. This is how we survive pain in traumatic situations.

The belief is that when we suffer emotional trauma, a part of our soul flees to survive the experience. It is much like removing a child from a bad situation. Each part of our soul is pure and vulnerable so when we do not feel safe we lock that part away. Think of it as watching a 3-year-old being hit and scolded for crying. What would you do? You would want to rush in and take the child to a safe place. This is what you do with your soul part that is being attacked or hurt in some way; you rush in and put the part in a safe place. This place can be a garden, a cave, chamber, or a type of special room where you have felt safe. You are not aware of moving the soul part during the trauma but as you get older and start to unfold this, what blocks you, drives you or causes you fear may be related to a trauma from your past.

A soul retrieval is designed to help you bring back that soul part that you put away to protect. It is a process of identifying the emotional trauma, and then taking a journey to find and reunite with the soul part. This journey is designed and developed especially for you. There is no generic answer for this type of work because your soul and path are unique to you.

The end result of a soul retrieval is the feeling of being whole again: feeling complete, and the situations that triggered specific reactions and emotions are gone. You can have more than one soul part missing. There are times that with one journey you will find more than one soul part to restore. This is not always the case and after a time retrieving one part you may realize there are other parts to find and bring home as well.
I can work with you remotely to help you retrieve a lost soul part and create the journey tailored for you to retrieve these parts you have put away to protect.

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