The Name of God

I had an interesting conversation regarding Passover with my grandchildren.

As we talked about this celebration of freedom and life, we started to connect organized religions to the same stories and belief systems. They realized that no matter what name God is given, the basis for the religion all comes to the main idea of one God. The stories are connected by the same name but may have a different accent.

This conversation opened the ideas of what I have said for years, "He who has a thousand names." I know for some this would be, "She" and for me there is no difference when it comes to a higher power. So when we call on our Higher Power we may use any name that we know and are comfortable using.

The key to all of this for me is the belief in a spiritual realm, helping me to move forward in lessons of love and light. It does not matter the name because it is the energy that counts and supports me in my life.

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