Your Intuition

Your intuition is there for a reason.

Follow what you believe.

Often we hear people talk about a “gut feeling.” We all have them from time to time but what does this mean?

A gut reaction is something your body uses to warn you that you are not listening to what is best for you. It could be a message of danger, a warning to listen, a time to believe in yourself ,or that the doubts others are trying to convince you of are truth. These are moments in this life time to stop and think about what is happening at the moment.

What did you just hear? What did you just see in the eyes of the person talking with you? What did you see in a reaction of someone? These are all times we often want to ignore what is happening. What are we ignoring because of love, fear ,or possible change? There are different parts of the body you can learn to listen to for messages from spirit but the most common is the reaction of the gut.

Gut reactions are important because they guide us to change a direction. It could be time to walk away from a relationship that is not serving you, to look closely at a job choice, to assess a reaction of a loved one who may be hiding things, a time to take a new direction in business or to stop and reflect. Gut reactions guide our decisions and direction in life so take time to stop and reflect on what is happening in your life when those feelings come into your stomach. It may save you time, energy and future hurt.

When was there a time you listened to your intuition?

Learning to trust your intuition can be a great addition to leading a spiritual life. One way to learn this is through guided meditation. When learning how to meditate, it’s sometimes difficult to do alone. Our meditations are guided, so that you are led along a path in a spiritual journey, and your attention remains on the meditation and not on the outside world. Maybe people find it easier to meditate this way.

You can start practicing this for free, by giving your information below. You will receive access to your first two journeys for free.