Dreams and Direction

Dreams and Direction

I remember it was during the month of May, 2013, when I started having dreams of being in Siberia and was asked to help the tribe find food. I was dressed in animal skins in a cave and from under one of the skins I took out a group of stones. Then one of my Ancestor Star Elders showed himself and said, “Remember the ancient ways.” I woke up. I was puzzled but knew it was a strong message for me to meditate about and channel with my council.

The next night I had another dream and this time I was sitting and gazing into a circle. I started to draw lines on the circle, took out the stones and threw them on the circle. Again I was given a message to remember the ancient ways. I do what my council tells me. I wrote a few notes and then went on with my day and did not think a lot about it again.

That night I dreamed I was sitting in a circle with many others, my stones in my hands, drawing another circle with lines in front of me and this time I placed the stones in different parts of the circle. Again I was told, in my dream, to remember the ancient ways. I knew that having the same dream three nights in a row was profound for me and I could not ignore the message sent.

Shortly after the dreams I was sent a message from Spirit to drive to a rock shop in Nederland and purchase a group of stones. As I was driving, a bobcat ran out in front of my Jeep. I slowed to a stop and looked at him. He stopped in front of the car and stared at me for just a moment before running back into the woods. Later, I looked up the meaning of bobcat and found that this wonderful cat is the keeper of the ancient knowledge on land in the same way that whale is for ocean. I knew that Spirit was with me on this trip and as I expected I was shown the stones to pick. While at the shop I spotted an old Native American woven basket and was told to buy it as well. So I selected the stones I was guided to pick and together with the basket I was ready to receive the message for my next step.

I was guided to do a reading for a friend using the stones. I asked her to reach into the bag and place the stones on the basket where she thought they fit. As she did this, I received messages related to her life situation based on where she placed each stone she picked and where she placed the stone on the design in the basket. Through this dream and following the instructions from my guides I was shown an ancient technique of reading stones and understanding their meaning.

What do your dreams tell you?

What new ideas and gifts are coming to you through your dreams?

Paying attention to your dreams can be a great addition to leading a spiritual life. One way to learn this is through guided meditation. When learning how to meditate, it’s sometimes difficult to do alone. Our meditations are guided, so that you are led along a path in a spiritual journey, and your attention remains on the meditation and not on the outside world. Maybe people find it easier to meditate this way.

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