Animal Messages

Animals around us often have messages for us.

For example, when you see a butterfly, you are headed for a transition in your life. A mouse symbolizes the need to scrutinize a situation you are in. A moose asks that you join more members of your own gender connection for friendship and camaraderie.

Each animal has a very special reason for showing themselves to you for guidance and clarity. Each animal has a distinct meaning. There can be some interpretation with the meaning as it relates to your situation.

There are amazing books and cards that show the meaning of the animals. The animals may appear in unique ways. My friend was working on releasing some of the guilt she was feeling about her mom being placed in a facility for persons with dementia and when she was cleaning her patio she found a snake skin under her grill. The snake had shed its skin to let her know that she was successful in understanding what she needed to shed in her own life.

It is important to pay attention to the animals who cross your path. Whether they come as a feather, a shedded skin, a tooth, or fully present in form. Understand all animals have a message to help you on your path.